How to properly implement getPossibleMoves() in MinMax checkers?

I am trying to write Checkers with AI for computer moves. I have already finished the game for human players. I want to use the MinMax function for computer movements. I’ve seen many examples on the web, and in every algorithm, developers use the "getAllMoves()" method. From what I understand, this method is to return possible moves for all pieces on the checker. Before I implement the MinMax algorithm, which seems relatively understandable to me I need to implement that "getAllMoves()" function because i dont have something like that. I have only getMoveForPiece().

So the question is: What exactly this getAllMoves() should return for this "Checkers" game?
First of all:

  1. From what I understand it is necessary to take into account forced beatings and in this case return the possibility of killing a pawn?
  2. In the case of a simple move, all I have to do is return the field where did the pawn move from and where did it move?
  3. What should I return if a pawn has forced beating? Where did he go, where did he go, and who did he beat?

I think about something like that:

Dictionary<Tuple<int,int>, List<int>> 


Tuple<int, int>  

// first int – from which field the piece was moved
// second int – If the pawn has a beat, it will be the number of the field that will be beaten, otherwise 0


int – list of fields to which the piece may move.

This is my current MinMax template:

private Integer minimax(Board board, int depth, string color, bool maximizingPlayer) {     Integer bestValue;     if (0 == depth)         if (maximizingPlayer)         {             for (var move : board.getPossibleMoves(color))             {              }             return bestValue;         }         else         {             for (var move : board.getPossibleMoves(color))             {              }             return bestValue;         } } 

I am asking for any tips on what will be necessary in this getPossibleMoves() method.

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