How to place an icon inside Google ColumnChart

I have columnchart bar which has one column and I wanna place an icon top of the bar.This bar is dynamically changing as randomly.I checked some sources on the internet and Google Chart API but couldn’t find a solution.Is there any way to do that?Below you can see the code belongs to my chart

Here it’s demo to give you idea about my Grid and Chart also

Here what I expect to see

enter image description here

What I tried below to generate this Column Chart below

TS File

    title= 'Temperature';       type = 'ColumnChart';       data= [['',25]];       columnNames= ['Element', 'Temperature'];       options= {         backgroundColor: '#fafafa',         legend: {position: 'none'},         animation: {           duration: 250,           easing: 'ease-in-out',           startup: true,         },         bar: {           groupWidth: 50       },       hAxis: {         baselineColor: 'none',         ticks: []       },       vAxis: {         baselineColor: 'none',         ticks: [],         viewWindow: {           max:40,           min:0         }       }     }        width=100;        height=300; ngOnInit() {    interval(2000).subscribe(()=>{ = [       ['', (Math.random() * 41)],     ];     }); } 


  <div style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;">               <google-chart #chart                [title]="title"               [type]="type"               [data]="data"               [columnNames]="columnNames"               [options]="options"               [width]="width"               [height]="height"               >               </google-chart>           </div> 
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1 Answer(s)

you can add icons using chart methods getChartLayoutInterface() & getBoundingBox()

on the chart’s 'ready' event, find the position of the bar,
then place the image.

although not angular, it will work the same,
see following working snippet…

google.charts.load('current', {    packages: ['corechart']  }).then(function () {    var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();    data.addColumn('string', 'X');    data.addColumn('number', 'Y');    data.addRows([      [{v: 'a', p: {thumb: 'clone_old.png'}}, 20],      [{v: 'b', p: {thumb: 'boba_fett.png'}}, 15],      [{v: 'c', p: {thumb: 'jango_fett.png'}}, 30],      [{v: 'd', p: {thumb: 'clone_3.png'}}, 5],      [{v: 'e', p: {thumb: 'clone_2.png'}}, 25]    ]);      var options = {      legend: 'none'    };      var container = document.getElementById('chart_div');    var containerBounds = container.getBoundingClientRect();    var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(container);, 'ready', function () {      var chartLayout = chart.getChartLayoutInterface();        for (var i = 0; i < data.getNumberOfRows(); i++) {        var barBounds = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('bar#0#' + i);        var path = '';        var thumb = container.appendChild(document.createElement('img'));        thumb.src = path + data.getProperty(i, 0, 'thumb'); = 'absolute'; = ( + - 40) + 'px'; = (barBounds.left + containerBounds.left + (barBounds.width / 2) - 16) + 'px';      }    });      chart.draw(data, options);  });
<script src=""></script>  <div id="chart_div"></div>


Answered on July 16, 2020.
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