how to merge/combine two array and create a new row in angular

data1 = [{  row: 1,  name: 'edward' }];  data2 = [{  row: 1,  style: 'style 1' },{  row: 2,  style: 'style 2' },{  row: 3,  style: 'style 3' }]; 

What I’m trying to do is to combine/merge the data and create a new row. I try to use the filter but it doesn’t display the data row2 and row3. cause the from the data1 it has only 1 row.

here’s the expected output

[{     row: 1, data1: { name: 'edward' }, data2: { style: 'style 1' } },{     row: 2, data1: { }, data2: { style: 'style 2' } },{     row: 3, data1: { }, data2: { style: 'style 3' } }]; 

and then when there’s a new data from data1 it should be added. example:

{ row: 5, name: 'juan' } 

it should be like this:

[{     row: 1, data1: { name: 'edward' }, data2: { style: 'style 1' } },{     row: 5, data1: { name: 'juan' }, data2: { } },{     row: 2, data1: { }, data2: { style: 'style 2' } },{     row: 3, data1: { }, data2: { style: 'style 3' } }]; 

code that I tried:

const data = this.data1.filter((x: any) => any) => y.row === x.row)); console.log(data) 
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2 Answer(s)

Try This out

data1 = [ {row: 1,name: 'edward'}, { row: 5,name: 'juan' }  ];  data2 = [ {  row: 1,  style: 'style 1' },{  row: 2,  style: 'style 2' },{  row: 3,  style: 'style 3' }];  function mergeData(data1,data2){   hashDataOne = {};   mergedArray = [];   data1.forEach(ele =>{     hashDataOne[ele.row] =;   });      data2.forEach(ele =>{     if(ele.row in hashDataOne){       mergedArray.push({         row: ele.row,         data2:{},         data1:{name:hashDataOne[ele.row]}       });       delete hashDataOne[ele.row];      } else {       mergedArray.push({         row: ele.row,         data2:{},         data1:{}       });         }   });      for(const row in hashDataOne){       mergedArray.push({         row: row,         data2:{},         data1:{name: hashDataOne[row]}       });       }       return mergedArray; }  console.log(mergeData(data1,data2));

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Try like merge function below. Added explanation to code.

I’ve created new function getMergeResult. Once you add/update/delete record from data1 or data2 you can call it and get updated array.

// it will merge records from data array based on row value. // use property name to assign value of data to result object. // result is optional. function will return result array  // or you can pass result to function as it is reference type it will updated. function merge(data, name, result = []) {   // loop over data   data.forEach(d => {     // find object for row exists in result.     let obj = result.filter(r => r.row === d.row)[0];     // if obj is null then create new object and push to array.     if (!obj) {       obj = { row: d.row, data1: {}, data2: {} };       result.push(obj);     }     // assign properties values to obj["data1"] or obj["data2"] with use of name parameter.     Object.assign(obj[name], d);     // remove row property from obj["data1"] or obj["data2"].     delete obj[name].row;   });   // return result.   return result; }  function getMergeResult(data1, data2) {   let result = merge(data1, 'data1');   merge(data2, 'data2', result);   return result; }  let data1 = [{   row: 1,   name: 'edward' }];  let data2 = [{   row: 1,   style: 'style 1' }, {   row: 2,   style: 'style 2' }, {   row: 3,   style: 'style 3' }];  console.log("Initial result"); console.log(getMergeResult(data1, data2));  console.log("Push new record"); data1.push({ row: 5, name: 'juan' });  console.log("New result"); console.log(getMergeResult(data1, data2));

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