How to include ProjectReference item as a dll rather than a nuget depenency?

I have a solution with 2 SDK-style projects when one is referencing another like that:

<ProjectReference Include="..\OtherProj\OtherProj.csproj" /> 

When I create a package from the first project Nuget assumes that the other project is a package (even though I don’t have any version or packageId info in csproj) and the .nuspec file that is generates will have this:

<dependency id="OtherProj" version="1.0.0" exclude="Build,Analyzers" /> 

This project will never be a package and before I switched to SDK-style it was just in a files list of the .nuspec file.

Is it possible to achieve the same with .csproj file or I have to continue using .nuspec for that?

P.S. I can use <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets> to not have the project as a .nuspec dependency, but it still does not allow me to include the dll.

P.P.S. That’s the issue I have found but there is no good workaround that does not seem hackish in there… I am just using my own .nuspec file at the moment

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