How to get the main base64 value from reader.result?

I am successful in getting the base64 value of my file but with the value am also getting the type of file and the type of string but I don’t want that. I just want the actual value as I need to send it to the backend.

Code to convert file to base64

handleUpload(e) {   var reader = new FileReader();   const file = ( as HTMLInputElement).files[0];   reader.readAsDataURL(file);   reader.onload = () => {     console.log(reader.result as string);   }; } 


I want the value starting from ‘U’ after the ‘base64,’ word.

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1 Answer(s)

You can simply use a RegExp for that:

reader.result.replace(/^.+?;base64,/, '') 

But as mentioned in a comment, you should also consider posting the binary as it is, without needing the conversion dance.

const file = ( as HTMLInputElement).files[0]; const body = new FormData; body.append('file', file); fetch('/end-point', {   method: 'POST',   body }); 

This way is both faster and more efficient, as base64 size is bigger than binary, and there’s no need to wait for the client to convert the binary file.

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