How to get table's one column data in javascript?

How can I get a table’s one column data in javascript? I am getting two textboxes value in javascript and display the result in a single div, now how can I get only one column data (which is date and time) which is retrieved from database instead of textboxes and check this column’s time if it is like 2:30PM, 15 minutes (2:15pm) it should display this time or maybe with other column’s data as table in popup message?

 <script>     document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {       function showTime(hours, minutes) {         return ((hours < 10) ? '0' : '') + hours +           ':' +           ((minutes < 10) ? '0' : '') + minutes;       }            function calculate_time(hour_start, hour_end) {         startTime = new Date('1-1-1 ' + hour_start);         endTime = new Date('1-1-1 ' + hour_end);              var difference = endTime - startTime;         difference /= 1000 * 60;         var hours = Math.floor(difference / 60);         var mins = Math.floor(difference % 60);         return {           hours: hours,           minutes: mins         };       }            var timer = null;            function getTimeDifference() {         var start = document.getElementById('startTime').value;         var end = document.getElementById('endTime').value;         const time = calculate_time(start, end);         document.getElementById('diff_hour').innerHTML = showTime(time.hours, time.minutes)              // convert to miliseconds and subtract 10minutes to get notified         const notifyTime = (time.hours * 60 * 60 * 1000) + (time.minutes * 60 * 1000) - (15 * 60 * 1000);              clearTimeout(timer)              if (notifyTime > 0) {           timer = setTimeout(() => {             console.log('get ready')             clearTimeout(timer)           }, notifyTime)         }       }            getTimeDifference();            document.getElementById('endTime').addEventListener('change', function() {         getTimeDifference()       });     })     </script>
<form id="calculate" action="">       <div>         <div class="form-group col-md-4">           <label for="departure"><strong>Arrival Time </strong></label>           <?php $date = date("H:i") ?>           <input id="startTime" type="time" name="hour_start" value="<?= $date ?>">         </div>         <br />         <div class="form-group col-md-4">           <label for="departure"><strong>Departure Time</strong></label>           <?php $date = date("H:i") ?>           <input id="endTime" type="time" name="hour_end" value="<?= $date ?>">         </div>               <p id="diff_hour"></p>                </div>     </form>    

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