How to delete data from xml file which is older than 24 hours in node js?

I want to delete a specific data which is older than 24 hours from this xml sheet. How to do it from node js. This is my xml sheet

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset     xmlns:xsi=""     xmlns:image=""      xsi:schemaLocation=""     xmlns="">   <url>     <loc>https://localhost:5000/westbengal/a1</loc>     <lastmod>2020-14-07T15:07</lastmod>     <image:image>         <image:loc></image:loc>         <image:caption>a1</image:caption>     </image:image> </url>  <url>     <loc>https://localhost:5000/westbengal/a2</loc>     <lastmod>2020-05-07T15:07</lastmod>     <image:image>         <image:loc></image:loc>         <image:caption>a2</image:caption>     </image:image> </url> </urlset> 

Here want to remove a node where lastmode=2020-05-07T15:07

Asked on July 16, 2020 in Mongodb,   XML.
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