How to connect the values of peer nodes in t-sql

declare @x as xml ='<root>     <n1>hello world</n1>     <n2>A0001</n2>     <n2>A0002</n2>     <n2>A0003</n2>     <n2>A0004</n2> </root>'  select xroot.value('(n1)[1]', 'varchar(255)') as n1,        xroot.query('n2/text()') as n2 from @x.nodes('/root') as xmlt1(xroot) 

The result of this query is

n1          |  n2 hello world |  A0001A0002A0003A0004 

But I want the following result, how can I write t-sql

n1          |  n2 hello world |  A0001,A0002,A0003,A0004 
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2 Answer(s)

You can try this:

declare @x as xml ='<root>     <n1>hello world</n1>     <n2>A0001</n2>     <n2>A0002</n2>     <n2>A0003</n2>     <n2>A0004</n2> </root>';  SELECT @x.value('(/root/n1/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS n1       ,@x.query('data(/root/n2)').value('.','nvarchar(max)'); 

It’s a pitty, that data() does not allow to specify the delimiter. It will always be a blank. But you can use REPLACE():

SELECT @x.value('(/root/n1/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS n1       ,REPLACE(@x.query('data(/root/n2)').value('.','nvarchar(max)'),' ',','); 

The backdraw: If your values may include a blank, this will fail…

You can use XQuery instead:

SELECT @x.value('(/root/n1/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS n1       ,STUFF(        @x.query('for $n2 in /root/n2/text()                  return <x>{concat(",",$n2)}</x>').value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,''); 

In this approach we use a FLWOR-query to run through <n2> elements and create a new XML where the content is extended with a comma:

<x>,A0001</x> <x>,A0002</x> <x>,A0003</x> <x>,A0004</x> 

This we can read as one with the XQuery path '.'. Removing the leading comma uses STUFF() (as similar string aggregation approaches do). We could use XQuery sub-string() too:

SELECT @x.value('(/root/n1/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS n1       ,@x.query('for $n2 in /root/n2/text()                  return <x>{concat(",",$n2)}</x>')          .value('substring(.,2,1000)','nvarchar(max)') 
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Try the following. Get the values and then concatenate them:

declare @x as xml ='<root>     <n1>hello world</n1>     <n2>A0001</n2>     <n2>A0002</n2>     <n2>A0003</n2>     <n2>A0004</n2> </root>';  WITH DataSource (n1, n2, n2order)  AS (     select Tn1.c.value('local-name(.)', 'varchar(128)')           ,Tn2.c.value('(.)[1]', 'varchar(128)')               ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Tn2.c ASC)     from @x.nodes('root/n1') Tn1(c)     CROSS APPLY @x.nodes('root/n2') Tn2(c) ) SELECT DISTINCT DS1.n1                ,DS.n2 FROM DataSource DS1 CROSS APPLY (     SELECT STUFF     (         (             SELECT ',' + n2             FROM DataSource DS2             WHERE DS2.n1 = DS1.n1             ORDER BY n2order             FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE         ).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)')         ,1         ,1         ,''     ) ) DS (n2); 

If you are using SQL Server 2017+, you can use:

WITH DataSource (n1, n2)  AS (     select Tn1.c.value('local-name(.)', 'varchar(128)')           ,Tn2.c.value('(.)[1]', 'varchar(128)')     from @x.nodes('root/n1') Tn1(c)     CROSS APPLY @x.nodes('root/n2') Tn2(c) ) SELECT n1       ,STRING_AGG(n2, ',') as n2 FROM DataSource GROUP BY n1; 

but the order of nodes here is not guaranteed during the concatenation.

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