How does Apache Ignite supports partitioning?

I am trying to experiment with data partition in Apache Ignite using .NET thin client.

In article it’s written that in partition mode "the overall data set is divided equally into partitions and all partitions are split equally between participating nodes". So I am expecting cache with 1000 records to be splitted beetween 3 Ignite nodes equally: 333(4) on each node. But when I start 3 instances of Ignite on local machine (using platforms\dotnet\bin\Apache.Ignite.exe) I can see only that 1000 records are replicated on all nodes: 1000 same records on each node. I tried to disable backups creation: 1000 records were created only on first node. Currently I use sequental Int32 values as cache key. But even when I ran LinqExample with colocated employes (with AffinityKey) data was’t splitted beetween nodes.
I also tried to experiment with cache configuration:

var cacheConfiguration = new CacheClientConfiguration(_key, cacheEntity); cacheConfiguration.CacheMode = CacheMode.Partitioned; cacheConfiguration.Backups = 0; cacheConfiguration.ReadFromBackup = false; cacheConfiguration.RebalanceMode = CacheRebalanceMode.Sync; cacheConfiguration.RebalanceOrder = 1; cacheConfiguration.RebalanceThrottle = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); cacheConfiguration.RebalanceDelay = TimeSpan.Zero; cacheConfiguration.RebalanceBatchSize = 1024; var cache = _igniteClient.CreateCache<int, TEntityType>(cacheConfiguration).WithExpiryPolicy(_expiryPolicy); 

Perhaps I don’t understand the main concept of data partitioning implemented in Apache Ignite or Apache.Ignite.exe needs some additional configuration to support data partitioning. Execuse me if it’s a simple question.

PS. I am using DBeaver to check amount of records on each node. 3 ignite instances by default uses ports 10800, 10801, 10802 for .NET client requests. So I am using localhost:10800, localhost:10801, localhost:10802 adresses in DBeaver.

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