How do i pass two objects from thymeleaf form to Spring Controller?

I want to pass two objects from thymeleaf form to a controller. Here is my thymeleaf code :

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en' xmlns:th=""> <head> <meta charset="ISO-8859-1"/> <title>Payment Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>Payment List</h1>  <table> <tr>  <th>StuId</th>  <th>Month</th>  <th>Amount</th>   </tr> <tr th:each="payment:${student.payments}"> <td th:text="${}">2</td> <td th:text="${payment.month}">devesh</td> <td th:text="${payment.amount}">23</td> </tr> </table>  <h3>Add a Payment</h3>  <form action="#" th:action= "@{/payments}" th:object="${payment}" method="POST">        <div th:object="${student}" >  <label for="name">Month:</label>    <input type="text" name="month" size="50"></input><br/>   <label for="amount">Amount:</label>     <input type="text" name="amount" size="50"></input><br/> <input type = "submit"/></form>  </body> </html>  

in form except the payment object which is actually being submitted here , i want to pass student object or id to my controller as any payment should correspond to a particular student. i Could not find any way till now after searching a lot.

PaymentController method where i want to pass the objects , as i am using submit form , i could not pass variable in th:action

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/{id}/payments")     public String doPayment(@ModelAttribute("payment") PaymentRecord paymentRecord, @PathVariable int id) {         Student st = studentService.getStudentInfo(id);                  st.addPayments(paymentRecord);         System.out.println("entered into do payment");                                     studentService.addStudent(st);                         paymentService.doPayment(paymentRecord);         return "redirect:{id}/payments";     } 

Please suggest. I am stuck here

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2 Answer(s)

Instead of :

return "redirect:{id}/payments"; 

try this:

return "redirect:" + id + "/payments"; 

or (if need leading / in the redirect) :

return "redirect:/" + id + "/payments"; 

Of if you want to "GET" with multiple objs then you can something like:

 @RequestMapping(value = { "/deleteuserdocument/{docid}/{userid}" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) 

This is from my github repo where I am "GET"ting the documentid for a specific userid. Hope this might help.

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You can do this different ways.

But first, let’s shorten the post method annotation from:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/{id}/payments")



I would also change the variable id to studentId to make it more clear for the next person reading your code.

Now, include the variable as a hidden input type within the form tags:

<input type="hidden" name="studentId" th:value="${}">

Then you can either

a) Add a String studentId property to your PaymentRecord class. Then in the post method, you can call paymentRecord.getStudentId();


b) Add a request parameter for the studentId to your method mapped with @PostMapping. So your method signature can have @RequestParam(String studentId). In this case, the value of the studentId will be fully exposed to the user.


c) Use @RequestBody and map the values to a bean. You can read up on this topic further and look at some background with this question.

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