How can i set a valid primitive Key for my v-for cycle?

i need to show in a data table a v-dialog that contains basically a restaurant menu structured as an array of objects of arrays of object. That is how i already structured my menu:

menu_ristorante: [       {         primi: [           { nome_portata: "Fettuccine al ragù", quantita_portata: 0 },           { nome_portata: "Tagliatelle alla boscaiola", quantita_portata: 0 },           { nome_portata: "Spaghetti allo scoglio", quantita_portata: 0 },           { nome_portata: "Zuppa di ceci", quantita_portata: 0 },           { nome_portata: "Fettuccine al ragù", quantita_portata: 0 }         ]       },       {         secondi: [{ nome_portata: "Vitello tonnato", quantita_portata: 0 }]       },       {         contorni: [{ nome_portata: "Insalata mista", quantita_portata: 0 }]       },       {         bibite: [           { nome_portata: "Acqua", quantita_portata: 0 },           { nome_portata: "Vino Rosso", quantita_portata: 0 },           { nome_portata: "Vino Bianco", quantita_portata: 0 },           { nome_portata: "Caffè", quantita_portata: 0 }         ]       }     ], 

Then i have inserted my dialog inside a v-data-table that should be triggered by the click of the property item.nome that is the firs column of my table

<v-data-table                 light                 :headers="headers_tabella_persone"                 :items="tabella_persone"                 :items-per-page="10"                 class="elevation-1"               >                 <template v-slot:item.interno="{ item }">                   <v-checkbox v-model="item.interno"></v-checkbox>                 </template>                 <template v-slot:item.nome="{ item }" @click="dialog_visualizza_menu=true">                   <v-dialog v-model="dialog_visualizza_menu" scrollable max-width="300px">                     {{item}}                     <v-card>                       <v-card-title>Seleziona primo</v-card-title>                       <v-divider></v-divider>                       <v-card-text style="height: 300px;">                         <v-radio-group v-model="dialogm1" column>                           <v-radio v-for="portata in menu_ristorante" :key="portata.primi"></v-radio>                         </v-radio-group>                       </v-card-text>                       <v-divider></v-divider>                       <v-card-title>Seleziona secondo</v-card-title>                       <v-divider></v-divider>                       <v-card-text style="height: 300px;">                         <v-radio-group v-model="dialogm1" column>                           <v-radio v-for="portata in menu_ristorante" :key="portata.secondi"></v-radio>                         </v-radio-group>                       </v-card-text>                       <v-card-title>Seleziona bibite</v-card-title>                       <v-divider></v-divider>                       <v-card-text style="height: 300px;">                         <v-radio-group v-model="dialogm1" column>                           <v-radio v-for="portata in menu_ristorante" :key="portata.bibite"></v-radio>                         </v-radio-group>                       </v-card-text>                       <v-card-actions>                         <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text @click="dialog_visualizza_menu = false">Close</v-btn>                         <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text @click="dialog_visualizza_menu = false">Save</v-btn>                       </v-card-actions>                     </v-card>                   </v-dialog>                 </template>               </v-data-table> 

But i receive this error on the key in return

Avoid using non-primitive value as key, use string/number value instead. 

So my entire column item.nome won’t be visible. How can i set a valid primitive key referenced to the stucture of my menu?

EDIT-1 i solved the problem of the key by removing the initial array level from my object and that is my updated object

menu_ristorante: {   primi: [     { id: 1, nome_portata: "Fettuccine al ragù", quantita_portata: 0 },     {       id: 2,       nome_portata: "Tagliatelle alla boscaiola",       quantita_portata: 0     },     { id: 3, nome_portata: "Spaghetti allo scoglio", quantita_portata: 0 },     { id: 4, nome_portata: "Zuppa di ceci", quantita_portata: 0 },     { id: 5, nome_portata: "Fettuccine al ragù", quantita_portata: 0 }   ],   secondi: [     { id: 1, nome_portata: "Vitello tonnato", quantita_portata: 0 }   ],   contorni: [     { id: 1, nome_portata: "Insalata mista", quantita_portata: 0 }   ],   bibite: [     { id: 1, nome_portata: "Acqua", quantita_portata: 0 },     { id: 2, nome_portata: "Vino Rosso", quantita_portata: 0 },     { id: 3, nome_portata: "Vino Bianco", quantita_portata: 0 },     { id: 4, nome_portata: "Caffè", quantita_portata: 0 }   ] }, 

The template is the same

<template v-slot:item.nome="{ item }">               <div style="cursor:pointer;" @click="popolaMenu()">{{item.nome}}</div>             </template>           </v-data-table>         </v-tab-item>         <v-dialog v-model="dialog_visualizza_menu" scrollable max-width="800px">           <v-card>             <v-card-title>Seleziona primo</v-card-title>             <v-divider></v-divider>             <v-card-text style="height: 800px;">                                  <v-radio-group v-model="dialogm1" column>                 <v-radio v-for="(portata) in menu_ristorante" :key="portata.primi">{{portata.primi}}</v-radio>               </v-radio-group>             </v-card-text>             <v-divider></v-divider>             <v-card-title>Seleziona secondo</v-card-title>             <v-divider></v-divider>             <v-card-text style="height: 800px;">               <v-radio-group v-model="dialogm1" column>                 <v-radio v-for="(portata) in menu_ristorante" :key="portata.secondi">{{portata.secondi}}</v-radio>               </v-radio-group>             </v-card-text>             <v-card-title>Seleziona bibite</v-card-title>             <v-divider></v-divider>             <v-card-text style="height: 800px;">               <v-radio-group v-model="dialogm1" column>                 <v-radio v-for="portata in menu_ristorante" :key="portata.bibite">{{portata.bibite}}</v-radio>               </v-radio-group>             </v-card-text>             <v-card-actions>               <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text @click="dialog_visualizza_menu = false">Close</v-btn>               <v-btn color="blue darken-1" text @click="dialog_visualizza_menu = false">Save</v-btn>             </v-card-actions>           </v-card>         </v-dialog> 

I have only put it outsite of the v-data-table to avoid recursive call that will cause crash of my app, so now if i click on a name the pop up is shown but it is populated in the wrong way

enter image description here

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2 Answer(s)

You are using an object as a key, that’s why you get that error.

One fast fix would be to change the loop like this:

v-for="(portata, index) in menu_ristorante" :key="index" 

but, the best would be for you to add a unique ID (string or integer) to each of the iterate objects and use it as key.

Buon appetito 😉

Answered on July 16, 2020.
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You have to add a key for the loop items in either number or string. But you are adding a object.

I would suggest you to have an id in the object inside menu_ristorante.

Also, you can use the index as key like below.

 v-for="portata, index in menu_ristorante" :key="index" 

The above is not suggested in every place as it doesn’t allow vue to exactly find which element child is changed.

Answered on July 16, 2020.
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