How can I access the elements separated by comma in xml tags?

I need to store the elements separated by comma in xml tags

For example, these x and y coordinates:

<points>     <point>558.000000,790.000000</point>     <point>530.000000,829.000000</point>     <point>567.000000,855.000000</point>     <point>595.000000,815.000000</point>     <point>558.000000,790.000000</point> </points> 

I tried something like this

x1, y1 = ((item.getElementsByTagName('points')[0]).getElementsByTagName('point')[0]) 

But got the following error

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2) 

Any help in this will be appreciated.

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2 Answer(s)

I have recently work on accessing the XML tags and I prefer xml.dom.minidom library of python for this use.

The code for your above-mentioned XML tags in the question is:

import xml.dom.minidom as minidom  name = "<points><point>558.000000,790.000000</point><point>530.000000,829.000000</point><point>567.000000," \        "855.000000</point><point>595.000000,815.000000</point><point>558.000000,790.000000</point></points> " point = [] xml_loaded = minidom.parseString(name) Points_Node = xml_loaded.getElementsByTagName("points") for Main_Node in range(len(Points_Node)):     Point_Child = Points_Node[Main_Node].getElementsByTagName("point")  for Child_Node in range(len(Point_Child)):     point.append((Point_Child[Child_Node].firstChild.nodeValue).split(","))  print(point) 

The output for above-mentioned code is split with x and y coordinates and stored in an array as you requested in the question. The output can be seen below:

[['558.000000', '790.000000'], ['530.000000', '829.000000'], ['567.000000', '855.000000'], ['595.000000', '815.000000'], ['558.000000', '790.000000']] 

Hope this help, please let me know if this is what you want.

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You could use

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  data = """ <points>     <point>558.000000,790.000000</point>     <point>530.000000,829.000000</point>     <point>567.000000,855.000000</point>     <point>595.000000,815.000000</point>     <point>558.000000,790.000000</point> </points> """  tree = ET.fromstring(data) for element in tree:     x,y = element.text.split(",")     print(x, y) 
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