Hide the Button when the Status Changed in Xamarin
I have Implemented a Button, which calls for a function. That function actually sends a request to server to issue a credential. When user receives a Credential, Status of Credential is Offered, but when s/he clicks on This Button, it sends a request to server and the Status of Button change to Received.
I only wants to Show the Button when the Status of Button is Offered.
<Button x:Name="Button_Round" WidthRequest="40" HeightRequest="40" CornerRadius="20" BorderWidth="2" TextColor="White" BorderColor="Teal" BackgroundColor="Teal" Text="Accept Offer" Command="{Binding ProcessOffer}" />
CredentialViewModel.cs => CreateRequestAsync() is the one, which sends request to server. When the request is sent successfully, I want to hide the button.
public ICommand ProcessOffer => new Command(async () => { try { //await _poolConfigurator.ConfigurePoolsAsync(); var agentContext = await _agentContextProvider.GetContextAsync(); var credentialRecord = await _credentialService.GetAsync(agentContext, _credential.Id); var connectionId = credentialRecord.ConnectionId; var connectionRecord = await _connectionService.GetAsync(agentContext, connectionId); (var request, _) = await _credentialService.CreateRequestAsync(agentContext, _credential.Id); await _messageService.SendAsync(agentContext.Wallet, request, connectionRecord); await DialogService.AlertAsync("Request has been sent to the issuer.", "Success", "Ok"); } catch (Exception e) { await DialogService.AlertAsync("Pool is not correctly configured. Please add proper genesis file.\n("+e.Message+")","Pool Error","Ok"); } });
If you could guide me, It will be very kind of you 🙂
bind the IsVisible
property to a VM property
<Button x:Name="Button_Round" IsVisible="{Binding ButtonVisible}" ... />
then in your VM (your VM must implement INotifyPropertyChanged)
private bool _ButtonVisible = true; public bool ButtonVisible { get { return _ButtonVisible; } set { _ButtonVisible = value; PropertyChanged("ButtonVisible"); } }
then whenever your receive the response from the server, you can set ButtonVisible
to the appropriate value