Getting the user profile pictures with pyTelegramBotAPI (JSON)

Here my code (Python):

import telebot import time import json  bot_token = "..." bot = telebot.TeleBot(token=bot_token)  @bot.message_handler(commands=['myphoto']) def send_welcome(message):     number = bot.get_user_profile_photos(     njson = json.loads(number)     nlist = njson['photos']     bot.reply_to(message, nlist[0].file_size)  while True:     try:         bot.polling(none_stop=True)      except Exception as e:         logger.error(e)  # or just print(e) if you don't have logger,         # or import traceback; traceback.print_exc() for print full info         time.sleep(15) 

Here a result of the JSON containing an array with the profile pictures of my account Telegram (it is the result of the variable "number" in my code):

{'total_count': 2, 'photos': [[<telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd9069a0>, <telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906970>, <telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906a30>], [<telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906550>, <telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906eb0>, <telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906790>]]} 

And here the involved classes from the pyTelegramBotAPI link

But printing the variable njson or nlist[0] it don’t show nothing. Where is the problem? I want to obtain the file_id of a single PhotoSize object inside this array (doing photosizeName.file_id, so i can download the picture with the regular default Telegram API).

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1 Answer(s)

If you pay close attention to this:

{'total_count': 2, 'photos': [[<telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd9069a0>, <telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906970>, <telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906a30>], [<telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906550>, <telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906eb0>, <telebot.types.PhotoSize object at 0x7fc0fd906790>]]} 

photos is an array of arrays. photos[0] is a list, then you’d have to go a level deeper and select one of its files, like this photos[0][0].

Anyway, you should add more info, is your program throwing an error?

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