Getting the most frequent value in a column for a specific person

So I have a table where I collect each person’s data.

+--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | player | kills | deaths | assists | champSelection | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Bob    | 1     | 3      | 4       | Horse          | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Bob    | 2     | 7      | 5       | Horse          | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Jake   | 5     | 5      | 5       | Dog            | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Marie  | 2     | 3      | 4       | Dog            | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Marie  | 1     | 1      | 9       | Horse          | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Marie  | 6     | 7      | 2       | Dog            | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ 

And I’m running

SELECT player, sum(kills), sum(deaths), sum(assists)  FROM playerTable  GROUP BY player  ORDER BY player ASC; 

How would I add onto my query where what their most frequent champSelection is? I’m trying to display my table as

+--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | player | kills | deaths | assists | champSelection | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Bob    | 3     | 10     | 9       | Horse          | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Jake   | 5     | 5      | 5       | Dog            | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ | Marie  | 9     | 11     | 15      | Dog            | +--------+-------+--------+---------+----------------+ 
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1 Answer(s)

Try this:

SELECT player, SUM(kills), SUM(deaths), SUM(assists), frequency FROM (     SELECT player, SUM(kills) AS kills, SUM(deaths) AS deaths, SUM(assists) AS assists, champSelection, COUNT(*) AS frequency     FROM playerTable     GROUP BY player, champSelection     ORDER BY frequency DESC ) AS inner_table GROUP BY player 
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