getting max data in multiple join

i have the data like this

purchase_order (po)

po_id   pi_id    store 112     789      ABC 113     101      DEF 114     102      GHI 115     103      JKL 

purchase_items (pi)

pi_id  barcode   price    date 789    123       500      2020-06-04 101    123       400      2020-06-03 102    456       500      2020-06-02 103    456       400      2020-06-01 


barcode   product 123       milk 456       tea 

I want to get the latest price for each barcode if the store exclude "GHI"

expected result

barcode  price 123      500 456      400 

how should i do ?

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4 Answer(s)

One option uses a correlated subquery:

select     p.barcode,     (         select pi.price         from purchase_items pi         inner join purchase_orders po on po.pi_id = pi.pi_id         where pi.barcode = p.barcode and <> 'GHI'         order by desc limit 1     ) price from product p 
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Use join with max-function:

select pi.barcode, max(pi.price) from purchase_items pi   join purchase_order po on po.pi_id=pi.pi_id where!='GHI' group by pi.barcode 
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A way of using subqueries.

SELECT      DISTINCT     a.`barcode`,     a.`price`  FROM     purchase_items a  WHERE a.`date` =      (SELECT          MAX(`date`)      FROM         purchase_items i      WHERE i.barcode = a.barcode          AND 'GHI' !=          (SELECT              store          FROM             purchase_order          WHERE pi_id = i.`pi_id`          LIMIT 1)) ; 
Answered on July 16, 2020.
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row_number() is one method:

select pi.barcode, pi.price from (select pi.*, row_number() over (partition by pi.barcode order by desc) as seqnum       from purchase_items pi       where not exists (select 1                         from purchase_orders po                          where po.pi_id = pi.pi_id and = 'GHI'                        )      ) pi where seqnum = 1; 
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