FormData empty while AJAX POST with PDF : SAPUI5

I am trying to use a document info extraction API which takes PDF/JPEG along with "options" json object as FormData. I tried forming the data and do an AJAX Post but it returns 400 error "message": "Required form-data not provided." and the FormData object looks like an empty object with content type as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". From Postman, I see that the content type should be multipart/formdata with boundary.

     var fileuploader=this.byId("fileUploader");              //var fileB = new File(   fileA, 'canvasImage.png',{ type: 'image/png' } );      + "-fu").setAttribute("type", "file");         data1.append("file", + "-fu").files[0]);          var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(options)], {type : 'application/json'}); data1.append("options",blob);      jQuery.ajax( {       url: "/DIC_trial_API/document/jobs",       data: data1,  "headers": {                     "Content-Type":undefined,                      //                  // "Accept":"*/*",                     "Authorization": "Bearer "+bearerToken                     },         cache: false,       //contentType: false,       processData: false,       method: 'POST',       success: function(data) { console.log(data);       },       error: function(err) { console.log(err);       }     }); 

Is something wrong with formdata or the post method used?

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