Force Email Client to use background also in dark mode

So, i’m building a HTML template for emails, and after a lot of issues due to compatibility, now it works fine… however, it has a problem.
If i open the email for example from an Iphone that has the dark mode active, it displays the background in a dark grey color, even if i declare the background color:

<body style="background-color: #f4f7fa;box-sizing: border-box;margin: 0;font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,'Helvetica Neue',Arial,sans-serif,'Apple Color Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol';font-size: 1rem;font-weight: 400;line-height: 1.5;color: #212529;text-align: left;min-width: 992px!important;">     <div class="container" style="width: 700px;box-sizing: border-box;padding-right: 15px;padding-left: 15px;margin-right: auto;margin-left: auto;">     </div> </body> 

Is there a way to avoid this behavior? Because for example if I open a Google email (with the dark mode activated), it is shown with a white background

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