Extracting all sub-tags' values in a main tag for XML File no matter the tag name
<GPO> <Computer> <ExtensionData> <Extension xmlns:q1="http://www.microsoft.com/GroupPolicy/Settings/Security" xsi:type="q1:SecuritySettings"> <q1:Account> <q1:Name>ClearTextPassword</q1:Name> <q1:SettingBoolean>false</q1:SettingBoolean> <q1:Type>Password</q1:Type> </q1:Account> <q1:Account> <q1:Name>MaximumPasswordAge</q1:Name> <q1:SettingNumber>120</q1:SettingNumber> <q1:Type>Password</q1:Type> </q1:Account> </Extension> </ExtensionData> </Computer> </GPO>
Hi, this is my current XML file saved into C:\XMLFile.xml. How can I change the code to extract all the sub-tags’ values inside each <q1:Account> tag using Python 3.8 instead of just by tag name? I have no experience towards XML parsing and reading with Python before.
This is my code so far:
from xml.dom import minidom xmlFile = minidom.parse("C:\GPOReportAD.xml") computer = xmlFile.getElementsByTagName("Computer")[0] extensionData = computer.getElementsByTagName("ExtensionData")[0] for i in extensionData.getElementsByTagName("q1:Name"): for x in extensionData.getElementsByTagName("q1:SettingBoolean"): print("Result: " + i.firstChild.data + " " + x.firstChild.data) break
Expected Output:
ClearTextPassword false MaxmimumPasswordAge 120
You are dealing with an xml snippet which uses namespaces, making things a bit complicated. Best way to approach it, I believe, is to use the html (not xml) parser from lxml and use xpath to select the values:
import lxml.html as lh gpo = """[your snippet above]""" doc = lh.fromstring(gpo) #either: for i in doc.xpath(".//*[local-name()='name']"): #or for i in doc.xpath(".//name", namespaces={'ql':'http://www.microsoft.com/GroupPolicy/Settings/Security'}): print(i.text,i.xpath('./following-sibling::*[1]/text()')[0])
ClearTextPassword false MaximumPasswordAge 120