Extract all possible field paths from Java Protocol Buffers

I have a set of complied Java Protocol Buffers. I need to extract all possible fields from it, can I do it w/o knowing structure of a Protocol Buffer in advance?

Imagine I have a message

message Person {   required string name = 1;   required int32 id = 2;   optional string email = 3;    enum PhoneType {     MOBILE = 0;     HOME = 1;     WORK = 2;   }    message PhoneNumber {     required string number = 1;     optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];     required PhoneLocation location = 3;   }    repeated PhoneNumber phones = 4; }  message PhoneLocation {   required string name = 1; } 

I need something that will print for me ([*] stands for repeated field)

Person.name Person.id Person.email person.phones[*] person.phones[*].number person.phones[*].type person.phones[*].location.name 

I have only java class, how can I do it?

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