error while committing and navigate using ADF popup

I insert data into form so transaction becomes dirty and i check for that.

if it’s dirty i show popup with options to navigate and commit or navigate with rollback.

i tried dragging a button with same action outside the popup and it worked. so i assume the problem comes from popup!! but i see every thing is normal.

did i miss any thing ?

popup :

<af:popup childCreation="immediate" autoCancel="disabled" id="p1" contentDelivery="immediate">                 <af:panelWindow id="pw2" contentWidth="400" title="Warning" closeIconVisible="false">                     <af:panelGridLayout id="pgl8">                         <af:gridRow marginTop="5px" height="auto" id="gr3">                             <af:gridCell marginStart="5px" width="100%" marginEnd="5px" id="gc4">                                 <af:outputText value="SaveFirst" id="ot17"/>                             </af:gridCell>                         </af:gridRow>                         <af:gridRow marginTop="5px" height="auto" marginBottom="5px" id="gr4">                             <af:gridCell marginStart="5px" width="100%" marginEnd="5px" id="gc5" halign="end">                                 <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl15" layout="horizontal">                                     <af:button text="NavigateWithCommit" id="b1"                                                actionListener="#{homeMgr.navigateWithCommit}"/>                                     <af:button text="NavigateWithRollBack" id="b2"                                                actionListener="#{homeMgr.navigateWithRollBack}"/>                                     <af:button text="Cancel" id="b3"                                                actionListener="#{homeMgr.closeConfimPopup}"/>                                     <f:facet name="separator">                                         <af:spacer width="5" height="0" id="s8"/>                                     </f:facet>                                 </af:panelGroupLayout>                             </af:gridCell>                         </af:gridRow>                     </af:panelGridLayout>                 </af:panelWindow>             </af:popup> 

commit method:

    public void navigateWithCommit(ActionEvent actionEvent) {     System.err.println("before");     ADFUtils.executeOperator("Commit");     System.err.println("After");     navigateMethod(); } 

it shows below at log without commit

before <oracle.adf.model> <QueryCollection> <clearNRT> <Initialized row(s) exists after commit, in collection: TspGovernorateVO1 in ViewObject: TspGovernorateVO1. Application should ensure the created row is posted or removed, before commit.Removing row(s) from collection on commit.> after 
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