Embedded List<Obj?> room

I have models class

@Entity @TypeConverters({ConverterList.class, ConverterListObject.CardsOBJ.class,         ConverterListObject.LoansOBJ.class, ConverterListObject.CountriesOBJ.class,         ConverterListObject.Cards_creditOBJ.class, ConverterListObject.CreditsOBJ.class,         ConverterListObject.Cards_installmentsOBJ.class, ConverterListObject.Cards_debitOBJ.class,         }) public class DB {     @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)     private long id;      private List<String> news;      private List<Cards> cards;      @Embedded(prefix = "ru")     private Ru ru;      private List<String> documents;      private List<Loans> loans; ... 

Example Convert

public class ConverterListObject {      public static class CardsOBJ {         @TypeConverter         public static List<Cards> stringToCards(String json) {             Gson gson = new Gson();             Type type = new TypeToken<List<Cards>>() {             }.getType();             List<Cards> measurements = gson.fromJson(json, type);             return measurements;         }          @TypeConverter         public static String CardsToString(List<Cards> list) {             Gson gson = new Gson();             Type type = new TypeToken<List<Cards>>() {             }.getType();             String json = gson.toJson(list, type);             return json;         }     } 

DB.class have constructor

 public DB() {      }      public DB(long id, List<String> news, List<Cards> cards, Ru ru, List<String> documents, ...) {         this.id = id;         this.news = news;         this.cards = cards;         this.ru = ru;         this.documents = documents;         this.loans = loans;         this.countries = countries; ... 

but code not compiling, execute error Entities and POJOs must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type). – java.util.List

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