Creating a date range in Pandas/Python with just the year
I have a dataframe, df. This dataframe includes a column called "Accession Year." I need to create a date range. I’ve tried running this code, but it didn’t work
index = df.AccessionYear.date_range(start = '1877',end='2020')
Unfortunately, this column does not have any months or days, only the year. The error message that I am getting is " AttributeError: ‘Series’ object has no attribute ‘date_range’". Would anyone happen to know any other methods?
is a method coming from pandas
class, you should do:
import pandas as pd index = pd.date_range(start = '1877',end='2020')
Read the error message carefully, and think about what you coded.
is a column of strings (inferring from your attempt to call the method). Why do you think a column of strings has a method date_range
If you need an absolute date range, as indicated in your post, why did you insert Accession_Year
into the call? You use simply
pd.date_range(start='1877', end='2020')
If the column does affect the call, you need to explain how, such as
pd.date_range(start=df.Accession_Year.min(), end='2020')