create a curved sidebar for user dashboard background

I would like to create a curved side bar for my dashboard panel. I’ve tried 2 ways:

  • create a svg and path: that result was not good at all.
  • create with js: the result was good but it was rasterized 😐
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // Quadratic Bézier curve ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(280, 0); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(240, 90, 270, 150); ctx.lineTo(320, 320); ctx.lineTo(320, 0); ctx.fillStyle = "#0984e3"; ctx.fill(); // const hes = document.getElementById('hesam'); const ctxx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // Quadratic Bézier curve ctxx.beginPath(); ctxx.moveTo(281, 0); ctxx.quadraticCurveTo(240, 90, 280, 150); ctxx.lineTo(320, 320); ctxx.lineTo(320, 0); ctxx.fillStyle = "#74b9ff"; ctxx.fill();
#canvas {   width: 100%;   height: 100%;   position: absolute;   float: right; }  #hesam {   width: 100%;   height: 100%;   position: absolute;   float: right; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">  <head>   <meta charset="UTF-8">   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=">   <title></title> </head>  <body>   <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>   <canvas id="hesam"></canvas> </body>  </html>

How can I have this result with vectorized and have quality to use bg of a side bar.

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