COMPILATION ERROR : cannot find symbol symbol: class Reflection location: package sun.reflect JDK 1.8_241 Maven 3.3.3
While I gave jenkins build this keep failing my job…. it used to work fine earlier…Can anyone assistant on this one please…
This is the error I am facing during maven install(POM.XML) that warning is now coming as error during jenkins build
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project : Compilation failure: Compilation failure: [ERROR] /home/jenkins/workspace//src/test/java/pages/common/[296,41] cannot find symbol [ERROR] symbol: class Reflection [ERROR] location: package sun.reflect [ERROR] /home/jenkins/workspace/src/test/java/pages/common/[356,41] cannot find symbol [ERROR] symbol: class Reflection [ERROR] location: package sun.reflect [ERROR] /home/jenkins/workspace/src/test/java/utils/[207,41] cannot find symbol [ERROR] symbol: class Reflection [ERROR] location: package sun.reflect