Change Div class Col-4 to Col-6 depending on Media Query for particular div

I am trying to change div class fom Col-4 to Col-6 using media query for iPad device whose WH is 7681024

my div is like,

 <div id="maintitle" class="col-4">             @*<a class="nav-link py-0" href="/Home/Index">*@                 <a class="nav-link py-0" href="~/MyDevices/Index">                     <img src="~/Images/logo.png" width="75" />                     <strong class="h4 text-white">                         This is Title                     </strong>                 </a> </div> 

for design i am checking from chrome developer tools its is working fine on iPad Pro but in iPad title breaks to second line. if i change col-4 to col-6 it works fine in iPad but not in iPad Pro.

i tried by using media query like,

in Bootstrap.css

i just go to any media query that is predefined for this width like,

    @media (min-width: 768px) {       .rtl .text-md-right,       [dir="rtl"] .text-md-right {         text-align: left !important;       }       .rtl .text-md-left,       [dir="rtl"] .text-md-left {         text-align: right !important;       }          } 

As i want to chnage particular for this div i assign id to it "maintitle" and after making changes in above media query

@media (min-width: 768px) {   .rtl .text-md-right,   [dir="rtl"] .text-md-right {     text-align: left !important;   }   .rtl .text-md-left,   [dir="rtl"] .text-md-left {     text-align: right !important;   }      #maintitle .col {         width: 50% !important;     } } 

But it is not working Hopes for your suggestions

First time i am working with media query


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