AWS Lambda function with .NET Framework

Is it possible to write a .NET Framework (not .NET Core) lambda function?

I have a legacy WCF SOAP service that is not compatible with .NET Core. I know I can write a .NET Framework application and deploy to EC2. Is it possible to deploy a .NET Framework application to AWS in a more scalable/serverless way such as a lambda function?

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1 Answer(s)

At this time there is no built in support for the legacy .NET framework, all available runtime and version are here.

If you wanted to run a framework/language that is not included on this list your best option is to look at building a Lambda Layer containing the packages you require.

Other than this your only option would be to deploy it to another service, if you can package it into a container then you could run it on Fargate (which is a serverless container orchestration service).

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