Adding a date column to a query result

I have the following table and want to add an extra column to the end.


name      miles_ran     date josh      1             2020-01-01 troy      2             2020-01-01 mark      1             2020-01-01 josh      1             2020-01-01 troy      1             2020-01-02 

I want to group by person and see how many miles they ran on a certain date, so I came up with the following query.

SELECT name, SUM(miles_ran) FROM running_data WHERE date = '2020-01-01' GROUP BY name; 

This query results in this:

name     miles_ran_sum josh     2 troy     2 mark     1 

However, I want to add a column at the end that says ‘2020-01-01’ for all of the rows. How would I do that like this?

name     miles_ran_sum   date josh     2               2020-01-01 troy     2               2020-01-01 mark     1               2020-01-01 


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2 Answer(s)

Just add a column with a literal, fixed value to the select clause:

SELECT name, SUM(miles_ran) total_miles_ran, '2020-01-01' date FROM running_data  WHERE date = '2020-01-01'  GROUP BY name; 
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You can use Analytic function to get this data –

Since you need data only for a specific date, i have added one condition in SQL. you can please remove it if you opt to pull data for all dates.

Select distinct, t.miles_ran_sum,  

from (SELECT name, SUM(miles_ran) over (partition by name, date order by name) miles_ran_sum, date FROM running_data where date = ‘2020-01-01’) t;

Alternate way –

select name, date, sum(miles_ran) as miles_ran_sum from running_data where date = '2020-01-01' group by name, date; 
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