Access to global variables modified in a function from different files
I am using webpack and I have 2 global variables, I assign them in a function and I want to use them in another function in another file. Is that possible? my code:
var info = []; async function getSearch(searchBar) { try { const value = (document.getElementById(searchBar).value).toLowerCase(); const url = `${value}&APPID=1&units=metric`; const url2 = `${value}&APPID=1&units=imperial`; const response = await fetch(url, { mode: 'cors' }); const response2 = await fetch(url2, { mode: 'cors' }); cityData = await response.json(); cityData2 = await response2.json(); info = [cityData, cityData2]; } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } }; function getInfo(){ return info; }
I export both variables (cityData and cityData2) to use them into another function in another file but got the error ‘variable not defined’. How can I do to access the data wherever I want? Thanks