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  • Asked on July 17, 2020 in XML.

    DataSet can read an XML, infer schema and create a tabular representation that’s easy to manipulate:

            DataSet ip1 = new DataSet();       //a DataSet is a collection of DataTable         ip1.ReadXml(@"c:\temp\ip1.xml");   //this will read the xml file and create a table named "ip" with a column "ip_Text"         DataSet ip2 = new DataSet();          ip2.ReadXml(@"c:\temp\ip2.xml");          var r1 = ip1.Tables[0].Rows;       //could say Tables["ip"] or Tables[0]          var r2 = ip2.Tables[0].Rows;       //because there is only one table in the set                                            //.Rows is a collection of DataRow, a bit like a 2D array          for (int i = 0; i < r1.Count; i++) { //iterate the rows in the collection             var a = r1[i][0].ToString().Split('.');    //2D array, indexed by i (the row) and 0 (the first column)             a[2] = r2[i][0].ToString().Split('.')[2];  //could also say [i]["ip_Text"]             r1[i][0] = string.Join(".", a);            //combine our edited array back to string and update the row         }         ip1.WriteXml(@"c:\temp\ip3.xml");              //write the rows back to xml 

    A handy tip, when working with data sets and tables, is to set a breakpoint in the IDE (click to the left of the line number so it gains a red dot) after you’ve loaded the set, then run the program. When it stops, point to the dataset variable and wait for the tooltip. It contains a magnifying glass:

    enter image description here

    Clicking the magnifying glass brings a window you can use to view the data in a grid:

    enter image description here

    This can be really useful in terms of knowing what indexes or names columns have etc

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  • Asked on July 17, 2020 in XML.

    This can be done using LINQ to XML (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/concepts/linq/linq-to-xml-overview)

    You can find below a snipet:

    var xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml); var userNumber = 0;  foreach (var user in xmlDoc.Element("UserList").Elements("User")) {     userNumber++;      var accounts = user.Elements("Accounts").Count();     Console.WriteLine($"For User {userNumber}, you have {accounts} Accounts"); } 

    Don’t forget to add the required usings:

    using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; 

    and to add a reference to System.Xml.XDocument.dll if using .Net Core or System.Xml.Linq.dll for .Net Framework

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  • Asked on July 17, 2020 in XML.

    You can use blob data type for storing xml in Database. if you are using jpa you can refer to below example https://donovanmuller.blog/storing-xml-natively-in-oracle-with-jpa/

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  • Asked on July 16, 2020 in Mysql.

    You can use ALTER TABLE to change the datatype of your table column. It can be done as follows –

    ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name UNSIGNED INT; 

    Read more about ALTER TABLE here

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  • Two joins are the right way to go. But you need to refer to the aliases:

    SELECT t1_1.name, t1_2.name FROM tbl2 t2 JOIN      tbl1 t1_1      ON t2.id_tbl1 = t1_1.id JOIN      tbl1 t1_2       ON t2.id_tbl1 = t1_2.id; 
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  • Cast the limit to number, because its type is string

    const limit = parseInt(req.params.limit); 
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  • The typical design for this would be something like:

    Holidays --------- ID   | Name        | .... -------------------------- 1    |Good Friday  |... 2    |Easter Monday|... 3    |Christmas Day|... ...  States ---------- ID   | Name  --------------------------- 1    | Connecticut 2    | Texas 3    | Vermont ....  State_Holiday ---------------- State_ID  | Holiday_ID ---------------------- 1         | 1 2         | 1 3         | 2 ..... 

    By using a table to define which holidays exist, and referring to them via a foreign key (holiday_id), you avoid typos – in design A, someone might enter "good friday" (not capitalization), and your application would be unclear about whether that’s the same as "Good Friday".

    Ditto for states – the state abbreviation codes may suffice as primary keys, but I’m not certain they are guaranteed unique (is there another country that uses these codes?)

    The joining table State_Holiday makes it easy to find which holidays are observed in a given state, or which states observe a given holiday.

    [Edit] Now you’ve outlined your sample use case, imagine executing that using design B.

    You’d have to do a whole bunch of string parsing to find out whether a Connecticut has a holiday on a day that falls between date_begin and date_begin + N. You have to handle the delimiter, and the fact you cannot guarantee at a data model level that state codes are 2 characters. The comparison operator would almost certainly be something along the lines of and state like '*CT*', which would perform terribly because indexes don’t work. You’d need application-level logic to make sure the state codes are correct – you can’t enforce referential integrity in the data model.

    Option A is much simpler – you’re just comparing a bunch of foreign keys, rather doing string comparison. Your referential integrity is enforced by the data model, rather than application logic.

    Option A is preferred by people used to working with relational databases; it’s normalized, uses referential integrity and should perform well, no matter how many holidays you have.

    Option B is a "NoSQL" approach. That’s a whole different conversation, but I would not force a NoSQL design into a MySQL system.

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  • You need to use -e before passing the command \. file.sql, and you need to use quotation marks for the command.

    For example:

    mysql.exe -uroot -proot -e "\. file.sql" 

    Therefore, you python code should be:

    mysql_exe = r'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysql.exe' mysql_dump = r'C:\Users\Philip\OneDrive\Betting\Capra\Tennis\polgara\tests\mysql\schema_belgarath_test_create.sql' mysql_cmd = r'"\. {}"'.format(mysql_dump) args = [mysql_exe, '-uroot', '-proot', '-e', mysql_cmd] subprocess.run(args) 
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  • What you can do is do navigation guards for the particular order form. You need to make sure that once the user tries to send a request to the server you have a variable that checks the number of times somebody has requested for the operation. Then deny accordingly.

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  • Asked on July 16, 2020 in Python.
        #python3     from tkinter import *     window = Tk()     window.title ("test")      #variables     #exp2 = 0      exp = 0     level=0 #exp function     def function ():         global exp,exp2, level         label_1.configure(text="%d" %(exp)+"/10")         exp+=1         if exp==10:                 level+=1                 label_4.configure(text=level)                 exp=0                                #labels     label_1 = Label (window,text="%d" %(exp)+"/10", bg = 'white', fg ='black')     label_2 = Label (window, text = "exp", bg = 'white', fg ='black')     label_3 = Label (window, text = "level", bg = 'white', fg ='black')     label_4 = Label (window,  bg = 'white', fg ='black')     #buttons     button_1 = Button (window, text = 'click for xp', command = function)     #placements     label_1.grid (column = 3, row = 2)     label_2.grid (column = 3, row = 1)     label_3.grid (column = 5 , row = 1)     label_4.grid (column = 5, row = 2)     button_1.grid (column = 4, row = 4 )      window.mainloop() 

    Even though I don’t really understand the question, I hope that it answered your question. You can stop the continuous count by removing the label_1.after(500,function). If this answer your question, vote

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